October 2, 2012

Happy Feast of the Guardian Angels! 

The guardian angel print I grew up with

(To my own angel, first of all)

The choir I sing with is at Guardian Angels Parish in Louisville. A few months ago one of the choir members introduced us to this lovely old hymn. I just found out it was written by Fr. Faber. I also want to attach my favorite image of the guardian angel, but help! Lynn is asleep now! (She deserves it after hours and hours of setting up this blog for me yesterday... and something else exciting which I will soon unveil... stay tuned.)

Anyway, here is the hymn, and a link in case you want to hear it:

Dear Angel, ever at my side,
How loving thou must be
To leave thy home in Heav'n to guide
A little child like me.

Thy beautiful and shining face
I see not, though so near;
The sweetness of thy soft, low voice
Too deaf am I to hear.

But when dear spirit, I kneel down,
Both morn and night to pray,
Something there is within my heart
Which tells me thou art there.


1 comment:

  1. Obviously I am no longer sleeping :) I love this picture and the memories it brings back!
