October 3, 2012

Getting to Know Me

I once saw a blog post by my friend "Christine" in which she revealed 10 surprising things about herself. (I don't have her email address, so I hope her sister, "Aunt P.," will let Christine know about my blog.) I enjoyed that blog post so much that I resolved to write one like it if I ever had a blog (although hers was so interesting, I don't think I can possibly come close to such an interesting list as hers was). Well, now I do have a blog. So let's see....

1. I lived in Italy for 2 1/2 years, and still understand Italian, and speak it too, to some extent.

2. I still sleep in a twin bed, even though everyone says, "You HAVE to get a bigger bed. You'd be so much more comfortable." Well, but that costs money. And I can't tell the difference. I have no trouble sleeping at all. LOL But I did have trouble finding a bedspread that didn't have Dora or Hello Kitty on it!

3. I would like to travel to Denmark someday for a special reason. I would also love to travel to England to meet my friend H. and see where my ancestors were from, and to visit the grave of Caryll Houselander. I would also love to see the two small towns in Slovakia from which my maternal grandparents came. And I'd like to go back to Italy to visit. Maybe even for a few months or a year. But not to stay.

4. I used to wear skirts 100% of the time. I wouldn't even take jobs where I thought there was a chance I'd have to wear pants. I still wear skirts most of the time, but not always.

5. I would like to fly in a hot air balloon sometime.

6. I have a thriving social life in spite of being single. In fact, it's too much for me to keep track of sometimes. I often double-book myself by mistake. I actually recharge by being alone--for a limited amount of time, not too long. (It wasn't for nothing that in college they asked me to be the school's activities director! I always know what's going on that's interesting to do and go to!)

7. I'm glad I live alone. See #6 above. Fourth sentence.

8. I love snow and get very excited every time I begin to see flakes in the air. I count down the days till there might be some snow. When summer is coming on, it depresses me. When winter is coming on, I start feeling alive again. I probably wouldn't like it if the winters were long and cold and hard where I lived, but where I do live, they aren't at all satisfactory in my view. Maybe 3 good snows and that's it. And when it does snow, it all melts in a day or two.

9. I passionately love Winnie the Pooh stories. They make me laugh out loud. (I got the idea for #7 above from one of these stories.) Piglet is my favorite character because he is timid but unbearably cute and so loving.

10. I am still a Canadian citizen.

Wait, I'm up to 10 already? I'm not done.

I hate nail polish. I have never had any on my toes.

I don't have pierced ears.

I think the best way to show someone you love them is to spend time with them.

Some or most of the best friendships I have started with letter-writing and only meeting in person years later. And most of my friendships had to be (and still have to be) maintained long-distance.

One thing that I think would make me the happiest would be to have all my friends together in one place for one day. I think you would all enjoy each other tremendously, and I would love to just sit and watch you all interact. It would be delightful. (I really enjoy bringing together people who enjoy each other's company.)

Tomorrow you can all meet, at least in one respect if not in another (plagiarizing from St. Thomas Aquinas). Stay tuned!

I would love to read something surprising about you, from you, in the comments!


  1. 1. She drives like an Italian, uses hand gestures like an Italian, and enjoys Italian food.

    2. An advantage to being single is the twin bed. So much easier to move at cleaning time. I'm sure you could find a bedspread with Realtree camo from Bass Pro Shop

    3. Notice where she places Italy on the travel list. Save the best for last. She's Italian at heart. Dean Martin is her favorite crooner. On an evening in Roma.....

    4. How about a Realtree camo skirt from Bass Pro Shop?

    5. I'm sure the balloon will have the colors of the Italian flag.

    6. A thriving social life is a sure sign that marriage is around the corner.

    7. Bad day for future husband.

    8. Try driving in snow.

    9. Piglet makes me think of deli ham or Easter dinner.

    10. She's really Italian. A REAL Canadian would be telling us how lucky we are to be getting socialized medicine in the near future.

    11. If you hate nail polish, how will men worship at your feet?

    12. No pierced ears, lips, eyebrows, or tongue? You'll never make it as a member of a heavy metal band.

    13. I think the best way to show someone you love them is to send them something in camo from Bass Pro Shop.

    14. You're doing better than me.

    15. Too dangerous. I'm sure someone would think we were up to no good and call in a drone strike.

  2. Ha ha Mr. K., I'll deal with YOU later!

    1. OK, Mr. K, here I am to deal with you. This is not a rebuttal, it is a RETORT!

      1. How would you know? I can't recall driving you anywhere.

      2. No camo bedspreads for me, thanks.

      3. So what's wrong with that? Except Dean Martin is not my favorite crooner. I'm not sure who is. Probably the Tallis Scholars.

      4. In college, since we had to wear skirts and dresses to class, and I had a friend (a girl) who loved to wear camo, I made her a camo dress with brass buttons. Honest. She loved it.

      6. If you are so sure about that, better start practicing your dancing steps.

      7. Yup.

      8. No thanks. When it's going to snow, I take some work and go home from the office early, and get all warm and cozy at home, and make some hot chocolate. And then I go walk in the snow, but I don't drive in it. :) (And when do I actually do the work, you ask? Ah, how observant you are. That is missing from here on purpose.)

      9. No, sir, a REAL Canadian would be warning you about how awful socialized medicine is, because she would know first hand!

      11. HA HA HA, good one!

      12. That's all right with me.

      13. Do NOT agree. By the way, I have never been to Bass Pro Shop.

      15. I begrudgingly admit, you might be right about that one.

  3. Mr. K. is gonna be trouble, I can see it now :P

    I am pretty sure there is nothing surprising I can tell you about ME! (And of course, none of the above surprised me, either. LOL) That's a good thing, though. (((Hugs)))
