October 1, 2013

The Week of Four Teas

Tea Party #1:

At the Jane Austen Festival, Louisville, on a Saturday:

Tea Party #2:

At Sisters' Tea Parlor in Buckner, KY, the following Thursday:

Tea Party #3:

At Mandy's Aunt Phyllis' house, that Sunday:

We made silhouettes of each other at this party:

Tea Party #4:

....and, finally, the last tea was at my friend Theo's house the following Tuesday, but I didn't get any pictures of that. 

During this same week, Kim and I shopped, dined, napped, watched movies, hung out with Lynn's kids, went to dinner with my brothers, enjoyed coffee at Panera Bread, attended the outdoor Stephen Foster musical in Bardstown, and visited the grave of Msgr. James McGee (a holy local priest who suffered badly from depression) at the Nazareth Motherhouse.

At the very end of her trip, Kim bought this beautiful antique Lincoln rocker, which I am keeping for her till we can figure out how to get it to her! 
(The Piglet is mine, though. See, he has a perfectly sized little teacup! A fitting way to end this post, "The Week of Four Teas.")

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