July 10, 2013

Ignite: Saturday

On Saturday morning, we were up before dawn. A long line of eight school buses snaked along the road and up to Lourdes Hall where we were awaiting them. We were going to Louisville to pray at the abortion center.

It took a long time to get everyone situated, but them we settled in for the hour and a half ride. 

Once there, all 350 of us (including speakers, organizers, etc.) prayed and witnessed peacefully from across the street. We prayed 3 rosaries and the Chaplet of Mercy.

Former "Igniters" (Bryan and Siena, who were green shirts a few years ago) and future Igniters (their children) joined us to pray.

After this, we boarded the buses again for the short ride to St. Louis Bertrand Church, 
where we had Mass.

Mags making sure the people from her bus find their way back to it

Once we arrived back at the conference location, we had lunch and a rest time, then more workshops, a short period of Eucharistic adoration, dinner, and a general talk. 

Attentive listeners

John Sohl, our busy media man

A light moment of "jousting" between 
the Dominican Sisters and Brothers

After supper and a talk, recreation began.

Marty with his mother, Mia

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ......the FAMILY FEUD!"

Oh Joseph, you're just so cool.

Olivia keeps things lively

"So, if Moses had a yard sale, name something you might find there." 
Narrowing down the teams until there was a WINNER!

Teddy does his famous ribbon dance

We had some special little people who decided that they wanted to joust with the Sisters, too.

Guess who won?

Cuteness! Another future Igniter, Nathan 
(who wasn't even around yet when that nice blue shirt was made)

With his daddy, who was a chaperone

A great time was had by all!

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