March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday at the Abbey of Gethsemani

Spring Travels

A couple of weeks ago, I was in Florida for a beautiful healing retreat offered by the John Paul II Healing Center. There were so many graces received on all sides. Here are a few photos from that week. My beloved Spanish moss......

All the trees were in bloom, and the highs were in the 80s every day......
This most beautiful picture was in the entryway to the church.

St. Joseph's feast day fell that week. There was a nice St. Joseph altar:

I totally loved this unusual statue that was on it:

A lovely painting in the retreat house where I stayed:

A banner at the retreat:

The grocery store where I shopped:

I met some very lovely people from all over the country and even Canada and Mexico.

And then at the end of the week, I went from this: this! In Minnesota! It was COLD!

I was there for the weekend. First stop was an Italian bakery, restaurant and grocery, 
Cossetta's in St. Paul. Wow. What an experience!

The most gorgeous little tiramisùs I had ever seen (on the left)

I was so overwhelmed by all the goodies, I forgot to take pictures of the huge round wheels of Parmesan cheese and all the unusual pastas for sale. But you get the picture. :)

Of course that is not all I did in Minnesota, but that will give you a "taste." 
Plus, I thought the palm tree photos were especially fitting for this Palm Sunday.